Times I Froze to Death

A heavily dramatic & unnecessary account of being too cold.

Laura Johnson
3 min readOct 28, 2022

Very nearly freezing to death seems to be my frequent state of discontent. Needless to say, I love blankets (and hoodies, mittens and wool socks — all on at the same time).

Yesterday I laughed at a meme shared by my mom,

“when I’m an old lady I’m going to leave little bags of snacks on the floor all over the house in case I fall down.”

I agree with this proactive planning but I’d leave blankets. In fact, they’re already there, in every room of the house except the kitchen — but about twenty dish towels will do in an emergency.

“It’s 70 degrees in here, Richard.” My husband thinks that telling me the temp will somehow change the chill I feel and I’d not need to be huddled in my chair like a burrito while he’s lying on the couch with a pair of thin shorts for a covering.

Hot flashes are indeed right around the corner for me and I know I will shout to the heavens while force feeding my face into a fan, but until then, give me goddang warmth.

I’ve got a portable heater going round the clock in my office. Sometimes I shut the door for extra smothering — usually only to shut out the noise from the other offices, but it can get drafty too.



Laura Johnson

Yammering bits and some blathering. Humor is my first language, my second skin, and my hello.