Rock Affairs — Collecting Cool

Laura Johnson
3 min readSep 28, 2023
What sort of moon creation is this? Fascinating! — Author’s Pic

Are you generally distracted by rocks while wandering the wilderness? Does your gaze veer more often to the ground in order to capture those sedimentary gems? Do you ever contemplate, “who else has touched this surface?” and “how many long years has this been here?”.

Have you ever helped hoist a heavy boulder baby from your venturing to your private property because, hey, cool?

Yeah, probably me too.

Science has determined that rocks are, in fact, cool. Just look at them!

Look at them!

Wherever we roam (‘we’ meaning my family as one unit: we), specifically among nature and along beaches, we tend to stoop and hover. A lot.

“Look at this one.” Offering it up after plucking it from its bed, we hold it proudly out like we just gave birth. Only we aren’t as sweaty or delirious (well, maybe), and some of us don’t have those birthing parts — but aren’t we just as proud?

Judging each rock’s unique lines and color scheme, I’d pocket the bulk of the best to unload at home. (‘Pocket’ really meaning anything other than a pocket since I wear trousers apparently designed by men for women who don’t deserve pockets).

Our little treasure pile usually ends up on the kitchen counter or table where we can easily admire them, washed…



Laura Johnson

Yammering bits and some blathering. Humor is my first language, my second skin, and my hello.