Slightly Feral But Otherwise Fine

The Blathering and Yammering

Laura Johnson
6 min readMay 21, 2021
All of my journals. Blank. Also, someone’s pencil. Photo by Jan Kahánek on Unsplash

Welcome to a short yet drafty intro and index of my stuff, pinned to my profile because I can.

When I click on a writer’s profile page I’m only allowed to see a few stories. I have to click for more, wait…then more, wait…more, wait…

Back in the days that were, we could read a list of clever titles and subtitles — scrolling far beyond the realm of where we should really be going.

Will I really read them all? I want the option, and I’d like it with ease.

Sadly, that is no longer.

Someone was bored and went too far with fixing something that wasn’t broke. *drag on cig

2022 UPDATE: then someone was bored again (or heard our cries?) and fixed this thing they made that was definitely broke. We can now see a steady stream of titles, a repetoire of reading choices. Voila!

Also, that someone created lists. I might eventually replace this index with those, as some of you already have, but this feels more fun somehow.

I write on my phone, which unfortunately still doesn’t support linkage or photo crediting. This means that something is most definitely wrong with me, and that the entire endeavor will be charted out to quite possibly take about a…



Laura Johnson

Yammering bits and some blathering. Humor is my first language, my second skin, and my hello.